Welcome to the Department of Urology, Institute of Medical Science (IMSUT) Hospital, The University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo was the first national university in Japan and has contributed the development of modern medical science. IMSUT Hospital Urology was established in July, 2020 by the urologists of the University of Tokyo.
We provide a comprehensive environment for the diagnosis and treatment of urologic cancer, dysuria, overactive bladder, and urinary incontinence. We offer laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery by board-certified surgeons, which are recognized as minimally invasive care for adrenal tumors, renal cancer, ureteral cancer and prostate cancer. In addition to surgery, we use the latest knowledge to propose drug treatment, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Evidence-based medicine is our principle.

We are also engaged in basic research to develop innovative drugs for castration resistant prostate cancer in the field of nuclear receptor signaling.
We are located in Shirokanedai, one of the most popular residential neighborhoods in central Tokyo with convenient access to transportation.
We welcome international patients. There is limousine bus access from Narita and Haneda International airports to the Sheraton Miyako Hotel Tokyo, which is conveniently located nearby our hospital.
Sayuri Takahashi M.D.,Ph.D.
Department of Urology, IMSUT Hospital
Medical Tourism
We have served international patients suffered from urological cancer from China, Korea, France and USA. Sheraton Miyako hotel Tokyo is convenient for patients and the family to visit our hospital, which is located about 5 minutes on foot.
Medical treatment fee for prostate cancer patients without Japanese health insurance.
First visit including blood test with PSA, X-ray, electro-cardiogram, and MRI of prostate. |
Approximately 183,000 yen. |
Ultra sonography guided prostatic biopsy under anesthesia |
Approximately 453,000 yen + private room charge 50,000-160,000yen/3 days |
CT scan, Bone scintigraphy, cardiac echo, and uroflowmetry test. |
Approximately 297,000yen |
Robotic assisted radical prostatectomy under anesthesia |
Approximately 5,100,000yen + private room charge 190,000-570,000yen/11 days |
Letter from International Patient
Our Team

Haruki Kume M.D.,Ph.D.
Professor (IMSUT Hospital & Tokyo University Hospital)
Sayuri Takahashi M.D.,Ph.D.
Department of Urology, IMSUT Hospital
Project Associate professor

Sayuri Takahashi M.D.,Ph.D. is a the deputy director of Urology at IMSUT Hospital and a project senior assistant professor. Dr. Takahashi is board certified in Urology by the Japanese Urological Association and in endocrinology by the Japan Endocrine Society, Japanese Board of Cancer Therapy. She is a board-certified surgeon of laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery by the Japan Society of Endoscopic Surgery and Japanese Society of Endourology.
Dr.Takahashi has an expertise in laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery in the treatment of prostate cancer, kidney cancer, and bladder tumor.
Dr. Takahashi completed a residency in Urology at the Tokyo University Hospital and Mitsui Memorial Hospital. She engaged in robotic surgery as a senior assistant professor at the Tokyo University Hospital since 2014. She completed an observership of the art minimally invasive surgical techniques, such as robotic radical nerve sparing prostatectomy, robotic partial nephrectomy, robotic cystectomy by professor Inderbir Gill at the University of Southern California on 2016 with the financial support by the 2016 AUA/JUA Academic Scholar program.
Dr.Takahashi engaged in basic research on prostate cancer and earned her Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Tokyo. She completed her post-doctoral training at the Brady Urological Institute at Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Dr. Takahashi is a member of the American Urologic Society and European Association of Urology. She earned the 101th JUA annual meeting award on 2013, 8th Young Research Grant by JUA on 2014, the Award by Japanese Foundation for Prostate Research on 2014, EAU Best Poster Award on 2015, “Women‘s Challenge Grand Prize” from Gender equality Bureau Cabinet Office of Japanese Government on 2024, and The University of Tokyo GAP fund program on 2024.
Yuta Takesima M.D.,Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (IMSUT Hospital)
Jun Takahashi M.D.
Project assistant professor (IMSUT Hospital)
Fusako Niimi M.D.
(IMSUT Hospital)
Kisumi Yomoda M.D.
(IMSUT Hospital)
Sachie Ueno M.D.
(IMSUT Hospital)
Daisuke Yamada M.D.,Ph.D.
Senior Assistant Professor (Tokyo University Hospital)
Yuta Yamada M.D.,Ph.D.
Senior Assistant Professor (Tokyo University Hospital)
Akira Nomiya M.D.
Kantorosai Hospital
Satoru Taguchi M.D.,Ph.D.
Senior Assistant Professor (Tokyo University Hospital)
Jun Kamei M.D.,Ph.D.
Senior Assistant Professor (Tokyo University Hospital)
Sachi Yamamoto M.D.
Kantorosai Hospital
Yoichi Fujii M.D.,Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (Tokyo University Hospital)
Daiji Watanabe M.D.
Assistant Professor (Tokyo University Hospital)
Ichiro Takada Ph.D.
Treatment & Services
For local residents of Minato-ku, Tokyo, the Minato-ku city hall offers a ticket which can be used for a prostate cancer screening.
We recommend that all men over 50-years-old take a blood sampling screening for prostate cancer.
Our areas of expertise are;
Adrenal tumor | |
Urologic oncology- |
- Overactive bladder
- Incontinence
- Renal Ureteral Stone
- Prostate enlargement
IMSUT Hospital Urology offers minimally invasive treatments by qualified surgeons.
- Robotic-assisted prostatectomy
- Robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy
- Laparoscopic adrenalectomy
- Laparoscopic nephrectomy
- Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy
- Trans-urethral resection of bladder tumor
- Trans-urethral resection of prostate
- Trans-urethral lithotripsy, Flexible trans-urethral lithotripsy
- BOTOX injection for overactive bladder
- Other open surgery
- Ultrasound-guided transperineal prostate biopsy
- Unfortunately, we are not specialists of sexual infection, ED, or dermatology.
Basic Research
Our team is engaged in basic research of prostate cancer.
Takahashi S*, Takada I, Hashimoto K, Yokoyama A, Nakagawa T, Makishima M, Kume H. ESS2 controls prostate cancer progression through recruitment of chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 1. Sci Rep.2023;13(1):12355. |
Takahashi S*, Takada I. Recent advances in prostate cancer: WNT signaling, chromatin regulation and transcriptional coregulators Asian J Androl.2023;25(2):158-165. |
Takahashi S*. Carrent Trend of CAR-T Cell Therapy for Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Jpn J Cancer Chemother.2023;50(10):1038-1042. |
Iimura1 Y, Iihara H, Aoyama T, Ishibashi M, Sasuga C, Furukawa N, Anzai E, Ijichi Y, Takahashi S, Tabata M, Niimi F, Kaneko J, Izukuri K, Baba K, Boku N, Kuroda S. Study Protocol for a Prospective Observational Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Fosnetupitant for Long-Delayed Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting in Patients Receiving Platinum-Based Chemotherapy (LODEC-N) J Clin Trials.2023;13 (4) No: 1000360. |
Takada I‡, Hidano S‡, Takahashi S‡, Ogawa H, Tsuchiya M, Yokoyama A, Sato S, Ochi H, Nakagawa T, Kobayashi T, Nakagawa S, Makishima M. ‡Authors equally contributed Transcriptional coregulator Ess2 controls survival of post-thymic CD4+ T cells through the Myc and IL-7 signaling pathways Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2022;298(9):102342. |
Hagiwara K, Sakamoto A, Sasaki K, Kanatani A, Kimura M, Kaneko T, Takahashi S, Yamada Y, Nakagawa T. Higher serum alkaline phosphatase value indicates the need for bone mineral density testing in non-metastatic prostate cancer patients undergoing androgen deprivation therapy. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2022;52(1):73-80. |
Takahashi S*. Editorial Comment to Successful establishment of crowdfunding to develop new diagnostic tools for chronic prostatitis Int J Urol. 2022; 29(6):602-603. |
Naito A, Takeshima Y, Takahashi S. Mammary-type myofibroblastoma of the perineum: typical or rare location? IJU Case Rep. 2022; 23;5(3):161-164. |
Yamada D, Kawai T, Sato Y, Yamada Y, Akiyama Y, Miyakawa J, Takahashi S, Kume H. Trends in prostate cancer diagnosis during the COVID-19 crisis: A report from one high-volume Japanese center GHM Open. 2021;1(1):28-30. Communication |
Takahashi S*. Editorial Comment to Treatment-induced changes in levels of brain natriuretic peptide in prostate cancer patients receiving gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists or agonists Int J Urol. 2020;27(4):356. |
Takada I, Tsuchiya M, Yanaka K, Hidano S, Takahashi S, Kobayashi T, Ogawa H, Nakagawa S, Makishima M Ess2 bridges transcriptional regulators and spliceosomal complexes via distinct interactingdomains. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2018; 4;497(2):597-604. |
Takahashi S, Aruga S, Yamamoto Y, Matsumoto T, Kitamura T, Homma Y. Urinary Oxalate Excretion Decreased in Androgen Receptor-Knockout Mice by Suppressing Oxalate Synthesis in The Liver. Open Journal of Urology. 2015;5(8),123-132. |
Takahashi S, Shiraishi T, Miles N, Trock BJ, Kulkarni P, Getzenberg RH. Nanowire analysis of cancer-testis antigens as biomarkers of aggressive prostate cancer. Urology. 2015;85(3):704.e1-7. |
Terada N, Shiraishi T, Zeng Y, Aw-Yong KM, Mooney SM, Liu Z, Takahashi S, Luo J, Lupold SE, Kulkarni P, Getzenberg RH. Correlation of sprouty1 and JAGGED1 with aggressive prostate cancer cells with different sensitivities to androgen deprivation. J Cell Biochem. 2014; 115(9):1505-15. |
Teshima T, Takahashi S*, Nagamoto S, Miyazaki H, Nakagawa T, Fujimura T, Fukuhara H, Kume H, and Homma Y. Intrascrotal Dedifferentiated Leiomyosarcoma Originating from Dartos Muscle Case Reports in Urology. 2014; Article ID 841929, 3 pages. |
Tsumura K, Yoshida K, Yamamoto S, Takahashi S, Iida K, and Enomoto Y. A Case of the Nutcracker Syndrome Developed after Delivery Case Reports in Urology. 2014; Article ID 503017, 3 pages. |
Matsumoto T, Sakari M, Okada M, Yokoyama A, Takahashi S, Kouzmenko A, Kato S. The androgen receptor in health and disease Annu Rev Physiol. 2013;75;201-24. |
Takahashi S*, Hirano Y, Kawamura T, Homma Y. Intraurethral condylomata acuminate associated with genital piercings. Int J STD AIDS. 2013; 24(1):67-9. |
Taguchi S, Takahashi S, Iida K, Mizutani T, Yamaguchi K, Tominaga T, Niwa N, Yoshimi M, Takahashi T, Homma Y. Spermatic Cord Lymphoma: A Case Report and Literature Review Case Reports in Medicine. 2012; Article ID513703, 4pages. |
Takahashi S, Watanabe T, Okada M, Inoue K, Ueda T, Takada I, Watabe T, Yamamoto Y, Fukuda T, Nakamura T, Akimoto C, Fujimura T, Hoshino M, Imai Y, Metzger D, Miyazono K, Minami Y, ChambonP, Kitamura T, Matsumoto T, Kato S. Noncanonical Wnt signaling mediates androgen-dependent tumor growth in a mouse model of prostate cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2011; 108(12):4938-43. |
Uemura K, Takahashi S, Shintani-Ishida K, Nakajima M, Saka K, Yoshida K A Death Due to Perirenal Hematoma Complicating Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy J Forensic Sci. 2008; (53) 469-47. |
Ohtake F, Baba A, Takada I, Okada M, Iwasaki K, Miki H, Takahashi S, Kouzmenko A, Nohara K, Chiba T, Fuji-Kuriyama Y, Kato S. Dioxin receptor is a ligand-dependent E3 ubiquitin ligase. Nature. 2007; 446(7135); 562-566. |
Shina H, Matsumoto T, Sato T, Igarashi K, Miyamoto J, Takemasa S, Sakari M, Takada I, Nakamura T, Metzger D, Chambon P, Kanno J, Yoshikawa H, Kato S. Premature ovarian failure in androgen receptor-deficient mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2006; 103(1):224-229. |
Kume H, Tomita K, Takahashi S, Fukutani K. Irinotecan as a new agent for urachal cancer. Urol Int. 2006;76(3):281-2. |
Takahashi S, Kato S. Androgen Receptor and Prostate Cancer Development. Medical Science Digest. 2005, 31(3):12-15. |
Kato S, Sato T, Watanabe T, Takemasa S, Masuhiro Y, Ohtake F, Matsumoto T. Funtion of nuclear sex hormone receptors in gene regulation. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2005; (56) Suppl1:4-9 Review |
Takahashi S, Minowada S, Tomita K, Katumata N, Tanaka T, Kitamura T. Massive Aderenocortical Adenoma Following Long-Term Treatment of 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency J Urol. 2002; 167;1390-1391. |
Request Appointment
Central appointment office 03-5449-5560
International calling +81-3-5449-5560
Appointment office opening hours:
8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday
Clinic schedule and physician appointment availability times

** Available in English.

Private Rooms
We have several private rooms with a bathroom on 5th floor.
The room
charge is not covered by national health insurance.
Private room A
Private room B
Private room C
Our Location
IMSUT Hospital
4-6-1 Shiroganedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Tel +81-3-3443-8111

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Tokyo Metro Nanboku Line Shirokanedai Station |
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Toei Subway Mita Line Shirokanedai Station |
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Toei Bus | |
Route: | 黒77 (KURO-77) / 橋86 (HASHI-88) |
Bus Stop: | Tōdai-Ikaken-Byōin-Nishimon (Inst.Of Medical Science.Univ.Of Tokyo Hp.) |
Route: | 品93 (SHINA-93) |
Bus Stop: | Shirokanedai Sta. |
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Hospital parking located in front of the bldg. 1. |